Title: Fish out of Water – Summer
Medium: Pebbles, gouache, photography, labels
Location: Cafe 27 Deakin Ave
Artist statement
Fish out of Water – Summer
is a development from an intervention project that I began at summer solstice,
2013 and continued through summer solstice 2014. I have been painting a
lone sardine on a river pebble – the sardine is a reference to
the waters near Sardegna and the Port of Napoli – the port where my parents
began their journey to Australia. I then released a pebble at
each of the eight sabbats. These represent the earth changes of the summer and
winter solstice, the equinoxes and the four cross quarters of Lammas, Samhain,
Imbolc and Beltane. Often associated with pagan festivals, I am acknowledging
this history as well as connecting with the earth changes through out the year; the
seasons, light and my own connection to place.
first fish was released on summer solstice, 21 December 2013 at Elwood Beach.
It was released at the edge of the breaking waves and then left behind to be
either, swallowed by the sea or picked up by a beachcomber. The second was
released at the Greco Roman columns near the Old Exhibition Buildings on
Lammas, 1 February 2014, this was a reference to my Italian heritage. The sixth
release was at Station Pier, Port Melbourne on Imbloc, 2 August 2014, this is
where my parents arrived in Australia.
There have been nine releases in total and the final fish in this cycle
was released on the summer solstice, 21 December 2014. This project has been
extended into a nine year project, Fish
out of Water – Summer Solstice where I will release a sardine painted
pebble at the summer solstice for each year ending 21 December 2021.
Coppola, 2015
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